
Frequently asked questions

We have online booking system, you can also send inquiry to our Email, our staff will contact you
We have no limit on the number of members to visit
We always ensure all factors of safety for visitors, you are always guaranteed in all aspects
We have a shuttle bus system, you just need to contact us in advance
We always have interesting travel packages, you can refer to the forum
We have romantic scenes you will win his/her heart
We have a modern hotel system with many facilities for families
We hope you will spend more time with your family, we do not have babysitting service
We will assist you when you have a request, we will try to help you have the best experience here
If you want to apply for a job please download form download here, and sent us by email:

or in ours head office

Contacts Us

Our Location

590 CMT8 Street District 3 Ho Chi Minh City


+65 11.188.888

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