Group 1:KT Team

Project: Fun Zone Land

Name:Nguyen Quoc Khang

Student ID:Student1313770


Area: FPT-Aptech HCM2

Name:Đinh Toan Thinh

Student ID:Student1316192


Area: FPT-Aptech HCM2


On behalf of all the members of group 1, I would like to thank you all for the hard works, supports to make this eProject complete successfully. Especially, Ms. Le Mong Thuy, our teacher, she helped us a lot from the day that we started to study at FPT Aptech. With this eProject, she has guided us with her enthusiasm and rigorous, because of her guiding, we would be able to finish this project. Besides, I want to thank all the team member of group 1, each of the team member has been working in order to complete this project. The last but not least, we would like to say thank you to our family for always supporting us, creating the best conditions for us to focus on the project, and putting faith in the dreams we pursue.